ISDN Parameters

The ISDN parameters are described in the table below.

ISDN Parameters



configure voip > gateway digital settings > ign-isdn-disc-w-pi


Enables the device to ignore ISDN Disconnect messages with Progress Indicator (PI) information element (IE) values 1 or 8.

[1] = The call (in connected state) is not released if a Q.931 Disconnect with PI (PI = 1 or 8) message is received during the call.
[0] = (Default) The call is disconnected.

configure voip > gateway digital settings > pi-4-setup-msg


Defines if and which Progress Indicator (PI) information element (IE) is added to the sent ISDN Setup message. Some ISDN protocols such as NI-2 or Euro ISDN can optionally contain PI = 1 or PI = 3 in the Setup message.

[0] = PI is not added (default).
[1] = PI 1 is added to a sent ISDN Setup message - call is not end-to-end ISDN.
[3] = PI 3 is added to a sent ISDN Setup message - calling equipment is not ISDN.



Defines the value of the Progress Indicator (PI) information element (IE) that if present in the received ISDN Progress message, the device sends SIP 180 messages without an SDP body (for Tel-to-IP calls).

The valid value is a bit field, allowing you to specify more than one PI. The default is 0, meaning that SDP is included in the outgoing SIP 180 message, regardless of PI value.

'B-channel Negotiation'

configure voip > gateway digital settings > b-ch-negotiation


Defines the ISDN B-channel negotiation mode for all trunks.

[0] Preferred
[1] Exclusive (default)
[2] Any


For some ISDN variants, when 'Any' (2) is selected, the Setup message excludes the Channel Identification IE.
The Any' (2) option is applicable only if the following conditions are met:
The parameter TerminationSide is set to 0 ('User side').
The PSTN protocol type (ProtocolType) is configured as Euro ISDN.
To configure B-channel negotiation mode per trunk, see the [BChannelNegotiationForTrunk] parameter.

configure voip > gateway digital settings > isdn-channel-id-format


Defines the channel number format in the Channel Identification IE when sending Q.931 ISDN messages.

[0] = (Default) Channel Number
[1] = Slotmap

The device’s handling of the Channel Identification format is as follows:

Device as Network Termination (NT):
Device-to-PBX: The device includes the configured Channel Identification format (Slotmap or Channel Number) in the outgoing ISDN Setup. The PBX can respond (Call Proceeding, Alert or Connect) with its own Channel Identification, which the device adopts. However, if the PBX doesn’t include information for the Channel Identification, the device adopts the one that it offered in the Setup.
PBX-to-Device: The device adopts the same Channel Identification received in the Setup from the PBX (and notifies this to the PBX in the Call Proceeding). However, If the PBX didn’t include information for the Channel Identification, the device adopts the configured format (and notifies this to the PBX in Call Proceeding).
Device as Terminal Equipment (TE):
Device-to-PBX: The device includes the configured Channel Identification format (Slotmap or Channel Number), and notifies this to the PBX in the Setup.
PBX-to-Device: The device includes the configured Channel Identification format (Slotmap or Channel Number), and notifies this to the PBX in the Call Proceeding.

Note: The parameter is applicable only to the NTT ISDN and Euro ISDN protocols.

e1-t1 isdn-channel-id-format-for-trunk


Defines the channel number format in the Channel Identification IE when sending Q.931 ISDN messages, per Trunk.

[-1] = (Default) According to the global parameter [ISDNChannelIDFormat].
[0] = Channel Number
[1] = Slotmap

For more information, refer to the [ISDNChannelIDFormat] parameter.


Determines the bit map for special PSTN behavior parameters:

[0] = (Default) Applicable for NI-2 ISDN and QSIG "Networking Extensions". This bit (i.e., bit #0) is responsible for the Invoke ID size:
If this bit is not set (default), then the Invoke ID size is always one byte, with a value of 01 to 7f.
If this bit is set, then the Invoke ID size is one or two bytes according to the Invoke ID value.
[2] = Applicable to the ROSE format (according to the old QSIG specifications). This bit (i.e., bit #1) is responsible for the QSIG octet 3. According to the ECMA-165 new version, octet 3 in all QSIG supplementary services Facility messages should be 0x9F = Networking Extensions. However, according to the old version, the value should be 0x91 = ROSE:
If this bit is not set (default): 0x9F = Networking Extensions.
If this bit is set: 0x91 = ROSE.
[3] = Use options [0] and [2] above.

Note: For the parameter to take effect, a device restart is required.

configure voip > gateway digital settings > trunk-restart-mode-on-powerup


Defines if the device sends the RESTART message upon power up.

[0] = No RESTART message is sent.
[1] = (Default) Per trunk - device sends only one RESTART message for the whole trunk.
[2] = Per B-channel - device sends a RESTART message for each B-channel of the trunk.

Note: The parameter is applicable only to and ISDN.